Certificate: Climate Change in UNICEF’s Planning and Programming

Climate Change in UNICEF’s Planning and Programming

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In 2016 UNICEF developed an introductory course on Children and Climate Change in collaboration with the One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UNCC: Learn). At that time few professionals working in child development felt that they adequately understood the impacts that climate change has on the expected results of country programming.

This 3-hour course was widely distributed both within UNICEF and externally with more than 15,000 enrolments and 5,000 certificates of completion issued.

With the recognition of the growing importance of climate change as one of the fundamental development issues of our time, UNICEF wishes to build on this introductory course with a new and more applied course focusing on good practices in integrating climate change into country programming.

Certificate: Climate Change in UNICEF’s Planning and Programming

Why Integrating Climate Change in UNICEF’s Planning and Programming?

Climate change is one of the most pressing global challenges of our time. In this course, you will discover the stark realities of climate change impacts across the world, as well as inspiring insights into opportunities for ensuring that we mitigate the risks and adapt our systems as best possible to reduce damage and destruction to lives and livelihoods. This course will remind us that tackling climate change is not only something to do for our children, but with them, and sometimes with them leading the way.

With a specific focus on UNICEF’s work and programming, this course will provide examples of the specific impacts of climate change on children. The course aims to inspire increased climate change action among professionals engaged in-country programming and will allow you to explore the many tools and resources that you and your organization have to support your efforts—and the involvement of youth in your specific work areas. You will learn about some of the outstanding work happening in the education sector in Viet Nam, one of many countries hard hit by climate change. Finally, you’ll learn about the innovative work being done to fund climate change action and how to ensure you and your organization can successfully access and advocate for the resources you need.

Thank you for being part of the movement to save lives and build stronger, more resilient tomorrows!

Target Audience

This course aims to train Development professionals engaged in UNICEF programming including UNICEF staff, UNICEF National Committees, government officials and UNICEF partner organisations.

Course Learning Objectives  

  • Describe why climate change matters for UNICEF and the interlinkages with UNICEF’s core programmatic areas.
  • Explain the key planning tools used at the country level to integrate climate change into country planning and programming efforts (e.g. SitAn, CLAC, GRIP).
  • Analyse examples of how planning tools have been used to integrate climate change into Country Office programming including in the area of WASH.
  • Describe the role of sectoral tools and frameworks in integrating climate change into programming, for example in the areas of WASH and Education.
  • Explain the key principles for designing climate programmes/projects and accessing climate finance.

Course at a glance

Module 1: Why Climate Change Matters for UNICEF and the World

Lesson 1: Climate Change is a Children’s Issue
Lesson 2: It Starts With You

Module 2: Stimulating Engagement

Lesson 1: Technical Tools and Resources
Lesson 2: Progress in Viet Nam: Integrating Climate Change into Education Programming

Module 3: Understanding Means of Implementation

Lesson 1: Financing Climate Change Action

Module 4: Wrap-up and Review


Articles by Zulker Naeen

Here are the stories of the renewable energy of Bangladesh. Zulker focuses his writings on the success of solar energy and the use of energy efficiently in Bangladesh. He works with the Climate Tracker to report climate resiliency for vulnerable women and access to climate finance. 

He involves in the Climate Tracker South Asia network, which improves the environmental consciousness of youth. 

Is solar irrigation a groundbreaking success for Bangladesh?

Is solar irrigation a groundbreaking success for Bangladesh?

Publishers: Dhaka Tribune

Publish Date: October 11th, 2017

Brief of the article: 

It is a story on the new way of extracting groundwater using solar energy in Bangladesh. The use of solar energy in irrigation is now owing to cost-effective financing and an innovative business model.

Success on Solar Irrigation System in Bangladesh yet to achieve

Success on Solar Irrigation System in Bangladesh yet to achieve

Publishers: Sun Connect

Publish Date: October 17th, 2017

Brief of the article: 

This report is on the groundbreaking success of the solar irrigation system in Bangladesh. It describes how farmers are moving in solar-run irrigation pumps instead of the diesel pump.

Climate Change and Spread of Dengue and Malaria in Asia

Climate Change and Spread of Dengue and Malaria in Asia

Publishers: Glokal Khabar

Publish Date: October 27th, 2017

Brief of the article: 

This report describes how climate change creating new uncertainties for human exposure to vector-borne diseases like dengue fever and malaria.

Energy Democracy: Ensuring electricity to all

Energy democracy: Ensuring electricity to all

Publishers: The Himalayan Times

Publish Date: March 29, 2018

Brief of the article: This article is about ‘Energy Democracy’. As energy access recognised as a key struggle for justice in the world, the concept of ‘energy democracy’ hence can be the next tipping point to improve the quality of life for the world’s most disadvantaged and poor.


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